CTD-G is a data measurement device for cathodic protection with GPRS communication mode.

The monitoring and management of cathodic protection systems and the collection of mandatory APCE data can be simplified and automated thanks to the use of CTD-G devices.
The features offered by the devices combined with the data collection mode via GPRS allows the distributor a significant saving of resources and speeds up the management activities of the system itself.
The device is equipped with a GPRS modem for data transmission to the remote management center. It also has a micro-USB interface for data management and download locally.

CTD-G device is available in different models:
CTD-G-1Ch for installation in the cabinet, measuring an analog quantity:

  • 1 DDP, cathodic protection voltage
CTD-G-3ChA for installation in correspondence with a power supply, measuring three analog quantities:
  • DDP, cathodic protection voltage
  • V, power supply voltage
  • I, current supplied
CTD-G-3ChB for installation in the shell, measuring three analog quantities:
  • 2 DDP
  • I, current supplied

DDP – Protection voltage ±6,25 V DC
V – Power supply voltage 0-100 V
I - Supplied current ±25 A. Voltage input with external shunt 60mV-25A or 60mV-6A
Precision Better than 1% over the entire temperature range
Sampling measures 12 bit data resolution and sampling time of 1s
Input impedance >=2MΩ
Battery life 2 Anni
Daily data supplied for each input Min, max, average.
Seconds out of range and number of threshold crossings
86400 samples 12 bit data resolution and 1s sampling time for a maximum of 8 measurements
Internal diagnostics Battery alarm, HW fault

The CTD-G device provides the following advanced remote management features that simplify the monitoring activity of the cathodic protection system both in its ordinary and extraordinary management:
Configurable Min-Max alarm thresholds for each input

86400 sampling values:

  • remotely configurable both the execution mode (scheduled, periodic on a monthly basis) and the quantity to be monitored (DDP, V, I) among the configured inputs
  • possibility of storing in the peripheral from 1 to 8 days of 86400
  • sending to the management center of the content of the internal memory to allow the data to be downloaded even in the days following their registration.
ON/OFF measurement registration integrated and fully manageable remotely:
The device supports both the mode with and without a plate:
  • With Plate: remote programming of the moment of execution of the measurement
  • Without plate: programming of the expected time range of the power supply cut-off.
Storage of measurement data with 100msec sampling
Notification to the management center of the measurement having taken place to then allow the download via GPRS.

GPRS communication:
Costs and times of data download is drastically reduced thanks to the GPRS communication mode.
The remote management Center has the possibility to download a greater amount of data in a shorter time compared to CSD communication .
Automatic SMS fallback in case of lack of GPRS coverage



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Installazione in cabina con alimentatore
Misure ON-OFF
Punto di misura
DDP camicia tubo
Doppia DDP